Oregon BASS Nation Minutes

Oregon BASS Nation General Meeting

Ten Mile Lake

April 19, 2013

Members in Attendance:  Jason Hooper, Kevin Gray, John Buller, HowardPierce, Jim Brinkerhoff, Mike Baskett, Renaud Pelletier, Debbie Johnson, DwayneJackson, Scott Seros, Michael Gibney, William Gibbs and Bill Rosenbalm

The meeting was called toorder at 6:30 pm at Osprey Point Resort by President Jason Hooper.

Old Business

Jason emphasized that OregonBASS Federation has adopted a new name. Oregon BASS Federation will now be known as Oregon BASS Nation.  This falls into line with the other statesthat followed with the desire of National BASS.

Treasurers Report

John Buller announced that hewill be resigning as our Treasurer.  Johnhas served as Oregon BASS Treasurer for 20 Plus Years.  Johns service to Oregon BASS is not onlyappreciated but will also be missed.  Hehas been a fixture of Oregon BASS for years. The board will be looking for a replacement for John.  Members interested in serving should contactJason Hooper.  The current balance is$78,270.40.  Oregon BASS voted to extenda Life Time Membership to John for his many years of service.

Conservation Report 

Lonie Johnson reported that100 Spider Blocks have been planted at Hagg Lake and 50 at Lost Creek.  These projects were taken on by ColumbiaBassmasters.  Lonie also reported that a MockMuscle exercise will be done at Prineville Reservoir. 

Another important developmentoccurred when the Washington Legislature took limits off of Smallmouth, CatFish and Walleye above the McNary Dam. ODFW also placed a 15 fish limit on Smallmouth on the Umpqua River.  There has been a concern that an effort willbe brought up by the Washington and Oregon Legislatures to expand theregulations in place above the McNary Dam to all of the Columbia.  This potential development should be watchedand be a concern to all Oregon BASS members. 

Tournament Report

Congratulations to the OregonBASS State Team for placing 1st at the Western Divisional held atClear Lake April 9-12.  Michael Gibneyplaced first on the State Team and will be representing Oregon at the NationalChampionship to be held next October at Lake Dardanelle- Russellville, AR.  The Oregon Team set a record for the mostweight caught in the history of the Western Divisional.  Congrats to Team Members  Michael Gibney, Kory Ray, Dan Jordan JL Neal, David Brinkerhoff Renaud Pelletier, KevinPangle, Kevin Gray, Mike Baskett, Nick Fitzsimmons, Todd Woolard and Jason Virgil.  Oregon was also represented by JR Davey andBrayden Liebe who made up the junior members on the Oregon Team who were Captainedby Jim Brinkerhoff.  The Oregon BASSState Team won a Z8 Nitro boat with a Mercury engine.  Jason commented that the Nitro may be alreadysold.  Negotiations are underway with apotential buyer.

Jason emphasized that all TournamentRules are posted on the Oregon Bass Federation Website.  It is the responsibility of all tournamentanglers to read and abide by the National and State Rules.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM