OregonBASS Nation
July20, 2013
OspreyPoint/Ten Mile Lakes
PresidentJason Hooper called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. It was moved and seconded to accept themeeting minutes from the Boardman Tournament.
Nofinancial Report was given.
Jasondiscussed the need to remove outgoing Treasurer John Buller from the Checks onthe Oregon BASS Checking Account. Johnwill no longer be handling the duties as treasurer and Jason felt it wasimportant to keep his name on the signature card.
Amotion was made by Dan Jordan and seconded by Kory Ray to remove John Bullername from the Oregon Federation Nation Checks but keep him as a signer. Vote was unanimous and motion was passed.
TournamentReport: Jason discussed the upcoming Hood River Tournament to be held August 24at Hood River. Jason will be emailingout information soon on the Tournament. This is the final event for the 2013 season and will decide the OregonState Team for Divisionals in 2014. Thisis a draw tournament and Jason discussed the importance of boaters and nonboaters working out details for the day prior to the Tournament.
ConservationReport: On Website
DanJordan brought up the idea of a point readjustment prior to the finaltournament. Anglers that are justfishing a tournament as an Open can affect the outcome of a State Team bytaking points from someone that has fished all four events. Jason understood the concern and it will betabled and discussed at the December Jamboree when the 2014 schedule was set.
MeetingAdjourned at 6:45 PM.
Submittedby: Chuck Schumacher